Boudhik IP


Dear Innovator,

Given the growing trade relationship between India and Australia, there’s immense potential for Indian innovators to capitalize on their Australian Innovation Patents.

We’re excited to present a unique opportunity to help you monetize your Australian Innovation Patent.

Our Offer

We will conduct a thorough due diligence on your Australian Innovation Patent.

 If your patent passes our due diligence, we will strive to secure at least one licensing/assignment proposal.

 If your patent fails our due diligence, 20% of the fees will be refunded within 60 days of notification of failure of due diligence

 If we successfully complete the due diligence but fail to secure at least one license/agreement proposal within 90 days from the due diligence clearance, 80% of the fees will be refunded, within 60 days from the date of expiry of aforesaid 90 days

Boudhik Shala

Applicant/Owner Details:

Inventor Details:

Australian Innovation Patent Details

Foreign Filing License obtained from Indian Patent Office

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